Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Week 3~4 Homework!!!

For my homework, I created?? the bootcamp for my friend. I did this withe my sister, because she begged.

My sister and I did skipping rope, running, tumbling, stretching, star jumps, jumping.

I made a table that shows before and after of each exercise.

Name of ExerciseBeforeAfter
Skipping Rope102bpm118bpm
Name of Exercise Before After
Stretching 100bpm 132bpm
Star Jumps 104bpm 127bpm
Jumping 111bpm 134bpm

If I was creating a bootcamp for 30 minute, I would do skipping rope for five minutes,  running for five minutes, tumbling for five minutes, stretching, star jumps and jumping for five minutes each.

I was going to get a video from my phone, but I couldn't because the computer didn't had a application to play it so I will post the video as soon as I get sorted.

P.S The colour of the table is bit weird because something's wrong with that.

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