Sunday, 5 May 2013

My exiting term 1 holiday!!

On term 1 holiday, my friend John and their family came over from Korea. There was three boys, the eldest one is same age with me. He is coming back to New Zealand to learn english. Second one is same age with my sister, seven years old. The youngest one is four years old and he acts like a girl. When they came over, we went to Hamurana springs and did a BBQ at there. We went to Luge, Chipmunks, and played at our home. When they gone back to Korea, my mum cried because my friend's mum is her friend and will miss them.


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog, I can't wait to read more in the future :)

  2. Hey
    sounds like FUN! its cool that he is coming here to learn english! :)
