Thursday, 31 July 2014

Weird delicacies around the world

Today for the blog post, we were offered to do a post about the weird and wonderful delicacies around the world.

1. Half-hatched chicken egg
In Philippines, half-hatched chicken egg is a nice dish for people. You just put it in your mouth and enjoy the taste of the chicken egg!

2. Turtle jelly
They are usually eaten in China, quite bitter so balanced with honey or condensed milk.

3. Bird nest soup
People harvest the bird's nest and it can cost up to $100 but it is worth because the soup has lots of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium!

4. Habu snake 
In Okinawa, people get a snake and let them drown, then put them in the jar of wine to create a special drink for people.

5. Wasp cracker
In Japan, the hunters catch some wasps and they make them into a cracker!

6. Shirako
Shirako means white children in Japan, and this food is the male fish's sperm sac.

7. Lamb's brain
In India, they are one of the favourite unusual food.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Tauranga Girl's College

Today our class had to find about our school next year. Here is some things that I found.

Principal- Ms Pauline Cowens

Four houses- 
Batten House(green)
Mascot: Kermit the Frog

Freyberg House(red)
Mascot: Elmo

Mansfield House(yellow)
Mascot: Big bird

Rutherford House(blue)
Mascot: Cookie monster

Established- 1958

Motto- Pergo et Perago (Strive to Achieve)

History- It used to be Tauranga college and number of students became larger so it got splited. That is now Tauranga boys' college.

Three values- Respect, Participation and Pride.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

About social

Every year on term 3, our school does social. When you do social, you dance with the other gender and learn lots of dances and perform. Each houses have a social night, that's when you show your parents.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Ranginui and Papatuanuku

Ranginui is the sky father.

Papatuanuku is the earth mother.

The Māori god of the forest is Tāne Mahuta.

The Māori god of the winds is Tāwhirimātea.

The Māori god of war is Tūmatauenga.
The Māori god of the sea is Tangaroa.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Review term 2

Cross Country
I ran the cross country last week, Friday. It was meant to be on Wednesday but due to the weather it was cancelled and we made the time to do a cross country on Friday. The year 8 girls had to run 3rd 
so we had to wait for a bit. When we were waiting, Sian had the red paint so Sian and I drew the paw print together. Then we had to run and it went quiet faster than the practice. Sian came 85th, I came 170th and Leka came 17th out of 400. 

I liked this term's maths because I think I learnt whole lot more than last year. We learnt statistics this term and making some graphs. What we did new this term is the maintenance. Every 15 minutes of the maths we had to work on some maintenance and check our answers. I think we improved on that this term. Something I have to work on is keeping my maths book tidy because I don't really think my maths book is tidy enough so I'll try to keep it tidy. 

Click Cards (stars system)
This term we had a new system called the stars card system and click cards. When you come to school for 40 days and if you don't get the formal warning you get one click on your card. If you finish the card, you get the band which is red and there is a print on it which are S.T.A.R.S and T.I.S. Another thing, if you do a nice thing and if you get a stars card from the teacher, you put your name on it and put it in the Rimu box that is in the library and Mrs Mills will draw the two out of the box and those people will get a voucher for Burger King. You can also get a stars jersey and a bike in the end of the year.

Science Fair
Our school have done science fair this term and I found it quiet fun organising my science fair board. I was afraid that I wasn't going to finish it in time but I finished it and got it out of the way. I didn't get the yellow sticker but I was proud of my science fair project. My topic was quiet hard and I was so glad that I finished my project.