To find out which substance mixed with water can make the egg float.
I think the salty water is going to make the egg float because I know that adding salt increases the density of water.
Have you ever thought of the egg floating in the water? I am going to do the experiment that is like a magic trick but it is all about the science.
Equipment & Method
1 raw egg.
5 container that the egg can get in.
1 cup of water that mixed with 1/2 cup salt.
1cup of boiling water.
1 cup of tap water.
1 cup of water that that mixed with 1/2 cup sugar.
I found the eggs sank to the bottom of the container each time it was dropped in the tap, sugar and boiling water.
The eggs floated to the surface each time it was dropped in the salt water.
My hypothesis was right because it floated in the salt water but not the others. When I put the salt in the water the salt increases the density of water.
What did you do well last year?
I think I did my conclusion well because it is fairly long and I gave my reason well.
What did you find difficult last year?
I found that choosing the topic is difficult.
2 possible topics
The effects of music types on driving ability.
Are advertisements louder than news broadcasts?