Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Science fair last year

To find out which substance mixed with water can make the egg float.

I think the salty water is going to make the egg float because I know that adding salt increases the density of water.

Have you ever thought of the egg floating in the water? I am going to do the experiment that is like a magic trick but it is all about the science.

Equipment & Method
1 raw egg.
5 container that the egg can get in.
1 cup of water that mixed with 1/2 cup salt.
1cup of boiling water.
1 cup of tap water.
1 cup of water that that mixed with 1/2 cup sugar.

I found the eggs sank to the bottom of the container each time it was dropped in the tap, sugar and boiling water.
The eggs floated to the surface each time it was dropped in the salt water.

My hypothesis was right because it floated in the salt water but not the others. When I put the salt in the water the salt increases the density of water.

What did you do well last year?
I think I did my conclusion well because it is fairly long and I gave my reason well.
What did you find difficult last year?
I found that choosing the topic is difficult.

2 possible topics
The effects of music types on driving ability.
Are advertisements louder than news broadcasts?

Monday, 14 April 2014

Letter to the school

Christine Kim
35 ****** **** ******
******* ***

Tuesday 15 April

Tauranga Intermediate
30 Eighteenth Ave 
Tauranga South 

Dear Mr Diver,

I am writing this letter to you because recently our class, room 42 is having a poor internet problem. 

Room 42 always had a bad internet connection from the start of the year. We cannot focus on our work and as we are in the multimedia class we cannot do our work if we do not have an internet connection. We could not access to the google docs, blog, google, mail or dictionary etc. When we try, it comes up with a message saying 'this app is currently unavailable.' It has been painful to us but no one else understands us because the whole school do not use the internet as much as Rimu house. Room 42 and room 41 has the worst internet connection out of the whole school.

What I would like you to do is to change our modem for internet as we cannot focus on our work and cannot access to our learning resources.   

Yours sincerely,

Christine Kim 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Japanese phrases

Konichiwa - Hello
Jane or Sayonara - Goodbye
Ichi - 1
Ni - 2
San - 3
Shi - 4
Go - 5
Rocku - 6
Nana or Hitchi - 7
Hatchi - 8
Qu - 9
Ju - 10
Watashi Wa Christine Chan Des  - My name is Christine

5 facts about Japan

1. In Japan, all the students must learn English.

2. There are 4 different writing styles in Japan, Romaji, Katakana, Kanji, Hiragana

3. There are lots of earthquakes in Japan.



Thursday, 10 April 2014

Plum by Tony Mitton

4 tips on how to read a poem aloud.

  • Look confident.
  • Relax and be natural.
  • Avoid rushing through your poem.
  • With rhymed poems, don't sing it. Read it.

Khan Academy

This morning, our class watched a documentary about Salman Khan.  It is Khan Academy he helps people with their learning with making a video about it. I am going to talk about him more.

He was hedge fund analyst but 2009, he quit his job. From 2004, he started to upload videos at YouTube and some random strangers subscribed his video and started to take his lesson.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Palm tree

3 things about the author

Philippa Werry is a New Zealand author.
She writes for children and young people.
She also writes fiction, non fiction, poems, stories plays and magazine/newspaper article.

McDonald's receipt tattoo

McDonald's receipt tattoo

Recall questions

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
Stian Ytterdahi and his friends.

2. What was the key event from the news article?
That a boy got McDonald's receipt tattoo.

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?
April 1 2014.

5. Why did this event happen?
His friends were jealous of his success with the local girls.

Thinking questions
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article.
There is no quote.
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
Stian Ytterdahi got a McDonald's receipt tattoo on his arm because of his jealous friends.

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
It was in Norway. Norway is next to Sweden and Finland.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
It doesn't say when it happened but his friends might get those tattoo too.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
Because his friends were jealous of him because he were successful with the local girls.
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
permanant: lasting.
Norwegian: people from Norway.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


What is pinyin?

Chinese is a tonal language. What is this mean?
The tones are important in Chinese.

How many tones are there?
Four tones

Describe how your voice changes for each tone.

Tone 1- High flat sound
Tone 2- rising sound
Tone 3- down and up
Tone 4- down(angry)

Finish this sentence: Chinese don't show how word should sound.

What does ba(tone 1) mean?
Number 8

What does ba(tone 4) mean?

Monday, 7 April 2014

Structure poem

My poem


    funny,     interesting

work,    answer,   question


How to learn a second language

Thursday, 3 April 2014

How to make a quick snack

Learning Conference

Yesterday we did our student learning conference and it went well. We had to show our parents a slideshow that we made and it was long when we made them but it went fast when we were showing them. We talked about our maths, reading and writing. It went quiet fast and I need to work on my writing and I have to communicate with my teacher on my maths.

There, they're and their

When should you use they're?
 It is a contraction of they and are.
eg. They're having a sweet without us!
Hurry up! They're winning!

When should you use their?
Used to indicate the position.
eg. It is their house.
Their car need to get fixed.

When should you use there?
When referring a place.
eg. I will be there when you get to there.
I will go there with you.

For this exercise I got 100% right.
For this exercise I got 9/10